
  • Researchers

  • Demetris Zeinalipour

    Professor, DMSL Director
    (PhD, University of California - Riverside, USA)

    Tel: +357-22-892755
    Fax: +357-22-892701
    Mail: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, CYPRUS
    Office: Room B106, Dept. of Computer Science, 1 University Avenue, 2109 Aglantzia, CYPRUS

  • Andreas Konstantinidis

    Associate Professor Frederick Cyprus
    (PhD, University of Essex, UK)

    Tel: +357-22-892662
    Fax: +357-22-892701
    Mail: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, CYPRUS
    Office: Room 203, Dept. of Computer Science, 1 University Avenue, 2109 Aglantzia, CYPRUS

  • Christos Laoudias

    Research Assistant Professor / KIOS Research Center, University of Cyprus
    (PhD, University of Cyprus, Cyprus)

    Tel: +357-22-892662
    Fax: +357-22-892701
    Mail: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, CYPRUS
    Office: Dept. of Computer Science, 1 University Avenue, 2109 Aglantzia, CYPRUS

  • Costantinos Costa

    Senior Research Associate
    (PhD, University of Cyprus, Cyprus)

    Tel: +357-22-892662
    Fax: +357-22-892701
    Mail: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, CYPRUS
    Office: Room 216 (Floor 2), Dept. of Computer Science, 1 University Avenue, 2109 Aglantzia, CYPRUS

  • Soteris Costantinou

    Research Associate
    (PhD, University of Cyprus, Cyprus)

    Tel: +357-22-892662
    Fax: +357-22-892701
    Mail: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, CYPRUS
    Office: Room 216 (Floor 2), Dept. of Computer Science, 1 University Avenue, 2109 Aglantzia, CYPRUS

  • MSc Students

  • Stelios Christou


  • BSc and Interns

  • Markos Fikardos


  • Demetra Paphitou


  • Eleni Michala


  • Konstantin.Krasovitskiy


  • Yiannis Hadjiyiannis


  • Alumni

  • Eleanna Nikolaou

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: An NFT Platform using BigchainDB

  • Panagiota Miltiadous

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Blockchain Data Management

  • Dimitris Papazachariou

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: GreenCharge

  • Soteris Constantinou

    PhD Student (completed)

  • Panos Drakatos

    PhD Student

  • Panayiotis Andreou

    Lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus

    Ph.D. completed (co-advised with George Samaras)
    Project: KSpot+: A Network-aware Framework for Energy-Efficient Data Acquisition in Wireless Sensor Networks
    Awards: Recipent of the 2012 CONET European Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN) PhD Award

  • Constantinos Costa

    Visiting Lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh, USA

    Ph.D. completed
    Project: Algorithms and Indexing Structures for Spatial Big Data
    Awards: Finalist for 2019 ERCIM Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award

  • Georgios Larkou

    Co-founder and CEO at Impactechs (startup)

    PhD Student
    Project: Managing Smartphone Testbeds with SmartLab
    Awards: Recipient of the University of Cyprus Entrepreneur Award 2019

  • Georgios Nikolaides

    Co-founder and CTO at Impactechs (startup)

    PhD Student
    Project: Radiomap Prefetching for Indoor Navigation in Intermittently Connected Wi-Fi Networks
    Awards: Recipient of the University of Cyprus Entrepreneur Award 2019

  • Martin Teufner

    MSc. Erasmus student from University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Austria
    Project: Mobile Systems

  • Adamos Adamou

    M8 Telecom, Australia

    M.Sc., University of Cyprus, Cyprus
    Project: Scalable Trajectory Grouping with K-Anonymity Guarantees

  • Yannis Kitromilidis

    Developer at KPMG, Nicosia, Cyprus

    M.Sc., University of Cyprus, Cyprus
    Project: Experimental Evaluation and Characterization of SQLite on Android Smartphones

  • Vasileios Mitrousis

    Cliqz, Munich, Germany

    M.Sc., University of Cyprus, Cyprus
    Project: Design and Implementation of a JSON Database for Mobile Devices

  • Constantinos Costa

    University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

    M.Sc., University of Cyprus, Cyprus
    Project: Scalable Continuous All k Nearest Neighbor Queries over Big Data Stores

  • Charalambous Andreas K

    Undergraduate Student
    Project: Telco Big Data Awareness / Data Postdiction

  • Marileni Aggelidou

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Anyplace Indoor / Fingerprint Management Studio

  • Dimosthenis Stefanidis

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Crowdsourcing Analytics on Rayzit

  • Dimitrios Valeris

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Crowdsourcing Indoor Data

  • Chrysovalantis Anastasiou

    M.Sc. Student at USC, USA (* Fulbright Recipient *)

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: TelcoWare, SmartLib, Rayzit

  • Kyriakos Georgiou

    University of Toronto, Canada

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Anyplace 2.0, SmartBill

  • Stefanos Christodoulides

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Geospatial Crowdsourcing Libraries

  • Artem Nikitin

    Skoltech, Russia

    MSc. Intern from Skoltech, Russia
    Project: Anyplace Magnetic Indoor Localization

  • Timotheos Constambeys

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Anyplace Android Navigator

  • Panagiotis Irakleous

    BSc. Honor Intern (1st year)
    Project: Anyplace Windows project

  • Rafael Constantinou

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Rayzit project

  • Giannis Evagorou

    MSc Student at UCL, UK

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: VectorMap project

  • Lambros Petrou

    M.Sc. Student at Oxford Univ. UK / Amazon UK (* Fulbright Recipient *)

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Anyplace & Bigdata projects

  • Marios Mintzis

    M.Sc. Student at UCL, UK

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: SmartLab Project

  • Stefanos Taranto

    Betologic Ltd., Cyprus

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: SmartLab Project

  • Julia Metochi

    M.Sc. Student at University of Bristol, UK

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: CLODA project

  • Paschalis Mpeis

    Ph.D. Student at University of Edinburgh, UK

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: VectorMap and SmartLib projects

  • Georgios Tertytchny

    BSc. Student, University of Cyprus

    BSc. Honor Intern (1st year)
    Project: WebAPIios project

  • Philippos Papaphillipou

    BSc. Student, University of Cyprus

    BSc. Honor Intern (1st year)
    Project: Win8IMU project

  • Filokypros Ioulianou

    BSc. Student, University of Cyprus

    BSc. Honor Intern (1st year)
    Project: Win8IMU project

  • Chrystalla Tsoutsouki

    BSc. Student, University of Cyprus

    BSc. Honor Intern (1st year)
    Project: SmartLib project

  • Kyriakos Frangeskos

    BSc. Student, University of Cyprus

    BSc. Honor Intern (1st year)
    Project: SmartBill project

  • Giorgos Constantinou

    Ph.D. Student at USC, USA (* Fulbright Recipient *)

    BSc. Intern (4th year)
    Project: Airplace and Crowdcast projects

  • Theophilos Phoca

    MSc Student from UCLA / Amazon, USA (* Fulbright Recipient *)

    BSc. Intern (4th year)
    Project: Crowdcast project

  • Andreas Panteli

    MSc. from Imperial, UK / Novartis, Switzerland

    BSc. Intern (4th year)
    Project: Crowdcast project

  • Marios Constantinides

    Ph.D. Student at UCL, UK

    BSc. Intern (4th year)
    Project: Airplace and Crowdcast projects

  • Silouanos Nicolaou

    MSc. Student at Univ. of Kent, UK

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Airplace and BloomMap projects

  • Gavriella Koupepidou

    MSc. Student in the UK

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: SmartLib

  • Christos Aplitsiotis

    MSc. Student at UCY, Cyprus

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: SmartP2P

  • Theodoros Ioannou

    M.Sc. Student at University of California - Riverside, USA (*Fulbright Recipient*)

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Proximity

  • Constantinos Costa

    M.Sc. Student at UCY, Cyprus

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: Smarttrace

  • Antonis Mavri

    M.Sc. Student at UCL, UK

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: SmartLab Prototype

  • Pavlos Touloupos

    M.Sc. Student at Univ. of Manchester, UK

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: XSort

  • Panagiota Gianni

    MSc. Student in the UK

    BSc. Thesis (4th year)
    Project: MINT

  • Joanna Georgiou

    BSc. Student
    Project: TrafficWare: Mapping Road Traffic using Telco Data

  • Loukas Solea

    BSc. Student
    Project: Implementation and Optimization of Internal Components in the Indoor Anyplace Architecture

  • Antonia Antoniou

    BSc. Student
    Project: Studying the Network Structure of the Bitcoin Transaction Network

  • Erodotos Demetriou

    BSc. Student
    Project: Blockchain Data Management

  • Antonis Vassiliou

    BSc. Student
    Project: IoT Data Management

  • Georgios Chatzimilioudis

    Postdoctoral Research Associate

    PhD, University of California - Riverside, USA

  • Athina Hadjichristodoulou

    BSc. Student
    Project: Ship Information System for the Localization of Fires

  • Nicolas Polycarpou

    BSc. Student
    Project: Smart-Home Energy Trading Platforms

  • Christakis Achilleos

    BSc. Student
    Project: A Modular Library for Client-Side Applications in the A4IoT Indoor Navigation Platform

  • Leonidas Lampiritis

    BSc. Student
    Project: Experimental Evaluaton for the Assessment of Geolocation Algorihms with Visual Landmarks

  • Andreas Naziris

    BSc. Student
    Project: A Management System for Objects in Indoor Spaces